What is Lean Six Sigma?

What is Lean Six Sigma?

Lean (waste), was devised by Toyota as part of their production system (TPS) which focussed on eliminating waste and smoothing process flow. Six Sigma (variation), was revolutionised by Motorola to improve processes by reducing variation.

Lean Six Sigma is therefore a framework of tools and methodologies which promote the removal of waste (anything the customer or business does not value) and to reduce variation through continual improvements.


Developed by Taiichi Ohno, Lean looks to “reduce the time from order to cash”, by removing waste. Waste is anything that slows the process down. This could be:

  • Reworking
  • Doing things the customer does not want
  • tomers queuing or
  • of raw materials which are not being worked on.

Lean focusses on empowerment and transparency through the entire organisation to ensure processes and supply chains are managed in the most efficient way. This no blame approach, creates a continual drive to identify and eliminate waste enabling a better and simpler way to work.

Six Sigma:

To reduce variation and avoid giving the customer defective products.

All customers want three items:

  1. Quick Delivery
  2. Reasonable cost and
  3. Low variation

Here the focus is on the customer, not the business to improve systematically through small steps all processes within the organisation. Management continually work on the basis of fact over opinion by smoothing flow and reducing variation.


Want to know more about Lean Six Sigma, connect with Noon Edwards today to see how we can help you with your Lean Six Sigma journey.

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