Introducing the 5S

Introducing the 5S

Is your business a little untidy? Could you do with a little organisation?

If so, utilising the 5S may be the easiest and quickest ways to begin your adoption of Lean Six Sigma.

The 5S are 5 key steps of organising and decluttering in whatever business you have – conveniently all beginning with the same letter –so its easy to remember.

1.     Sort: Identify the necessary items and most importantly, get rid of any unnecessary.

2.     Simplify: Locate items where they are needed and limit storage.

3.     Sweep/Shine: Eliminate any dirt

4.     Standardise: Work to set standards and communicate what you expect.

5.     Sustain: Embrace the change, make the problems visible.

"A place for everything and everything in its place"

Although a very simple tool, going through these steps can help as a starting point whether or not you are adopting LSS. Having a clear starting point will obviously help any project being undertaken, but lets not forget some other benefits of having a clean workplace:

·       Improve the overall environment so that it is more operable

·       Raise in morale

·       Increase workplace safety

·       Improve productivity and response times

·       Impress customers, and

·       Easily highlight where to remove waste.


Dirt, obstacles, losing paperwork, whatever the issue may be, the customer will not be willing to pay for any of these items as they are not connected with what the customer wants, nor what the business needs – yet so many businesses still see these day in day out.

Will you be adopting 5S in your business?

Want to know more about Lean Six Sigma, connect with Noon Edwards today to see how we can help you with your Lean Six Sigma journey.


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