Lean Six Sigma Implementation

"Do it better, make it better and improve it even if it isn't broken because if we don't, we can't compete with those that do"

Lean Six Sigma Implementation
Lean Six Sigma Implementation

Ongoing Support

Our consultants are able to provide on-going support to promote continual implementation of Lean Six Sigma. If you are looking to embark on a transformation toward lean management, why not reach out to us to conduct a maturity assessment which will help guide your Lean Six Sigma strategy.

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Lean Six Sigma Implementation

Maturity levels

Level 1: “Management by Firefighting”
No experience in Lean Six Sigma

Level 2: “Short Term Management”
Small steps but little top level commitment

Level 3: “Corporate Recognition”  
Understanding that L6S will give a competitive advantage and changing culture is worthwhile

Level 4: “Continuous Improvement”
Organisation is using an evolved methodology

Level 5: “Mature Lean”
Solid history and culture is established. We have devised a short questionnaire if you would like to take the survey, click the link below:

Take The Survey
Lean Six Sigma Implementation

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Feel free to contact us with any questions or to book an initial call with one of our experts.

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